画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える男女別の民族衣装プロンプト一覧①


ここで使用する画像はイラスト生成AIである「stable diffusion」で当ブログ作成者である私が作成したものであり、実在する人物やキャラクターとは一切関係ありません。また画像の無断転載や無断利用、プロンプトの丸パクリや無断転載はご遠慮ください。



  1. パラメーター紹介
  2. 古代エジプト風衣装
    1. 男性 シェンティ(Shendyt)
    2. 男性 カラシリス(Kalasiris)
    3. 女性 ドレス(Tunic Dress)
    4. 女性 カラシリス(Calasiris)
    5. 女性 ペプロス(Peplos)
  3. 古代ギリシャ風衣装
    1. 男性 ドリーススタイル
    2. 男性 イオニアスタイル
    3. 男性 ヒマティオン(Himation)
    4. 女性 ドリーススタイル
    5. 女性 イオニアスタイル
    6. 女性 ヒマティオン(Himation)
    7. 女性 ケンタウロス (Kentaurides)
    8. 女性 ペプロス (Peplos)
    9. 女性 キトン(Chiton)
  4. 古代ローマ風衣装
    1. 男性 トガ(toga)
    2. 男性 チュニカ(Tunica)
    3. 男性 ペネート(Paenula)
    4. 女性 ストラ・ディルビア (Stola)
    5. 女性 チュニカ(Tunica)
    6. 女性 ペプロス(Peplos)
  5. 古代マヤ風衣装
    1. 男性 ロインクロス(Loincloth)
    2. 男性 ウィピル(Huipil)
    3. 男性 ハックチェ(Hach Kek)
    4. 女性 ウィピル(Huipil)
    5. 女性 シュブティ(Skirt)
    6. 女性 ハックチェ(Hach Kek)
    7. 女性 カポテ(Capote)
  6. インドの民族衣装
    1. 男性 クルタパジャマ(Kurta Pajama)
    2. 男性 ドーティ(Dhoti)
    3. 男性 シャーワニ(Sherwani)
    4. 男性 ターバン(Turban)
    5. 女性 サリー(Sari)
    6. 女性 サルワール・カミーズ/パンジャビ・ドレス(Salwar Kameez/punjabi dress)
    7. 女性 ガーグラ・チョリ/レヘンガ・チョリ(Ghagra Choli/Lehenga)
    8. 女性 アニャークリー(Anarkali)
  7. 古代メソポタミア衣装
    1. 女性 カンズ(Kanis)
    2. 女性 ヴェール(Veil)


  • モデル:chilled_remix_v1
  • サンプリングメソッド:DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
  • ステップ:50
  • CFG:12
  • シード:-1


20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Strophium costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k

weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,
kimono, naked



男性 シェンティ(Shendyt)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient egyptian Shendyt,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient egyptian Shendyt,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient egyptian Shendyt,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 カラシリス(Kalasiris)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient egyptian Kalasiris,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient egyptian Kalasiris,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient egyptian Kalasiris,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ドレス(Tunic Dress)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Tunic Dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Tunic Dress,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Tunic Dress,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 カラシリス(Calasiris)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ethnic egyptian costume kalasiris,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ethnic egyptian costume kalasiris,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ethnic egyptian costume kalasiris,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ペプロス(Peplos)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Peplos,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Peplos,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient egyptian Peplos,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


男性 ドリーススタイル

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece doris costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece doris costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece doris costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

男性 イオニアスタイル

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece ionian costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece ionian costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece ionian costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 ヒマティオン(Himation)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece Himation costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece Himation costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient greece Himation costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ドリーススタイル

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece doris costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece doris costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece doris costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 イオニアスタイル

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece ionian costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece ionian costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece ionian costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ヒマティオン(Himation)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Himation costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Himation costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Himation costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ケンタウロス (Kentaurides)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Kentaurides costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Kentaurides costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Kentaurides costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ペプロス (Peplos)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Peplos costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Peplos costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Peplos costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 キトン(Chiton)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Chiton costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Chiton costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient greece Chiton costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用のRPGゲームのようなファンタジー世界の職業(ジョブ)別服装プロンプト一覧①


男性 トガ(toga)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman toga costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman toga costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman toga costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 チュニカ(Tunica)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman Tunica costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman Tunica costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman Tunica costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

男性 ペネート(Paenula)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman cloak costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman cloak costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient roman cloak costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ストラ・ディルビア (Stola)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Stola costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Stola costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Stola costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 チュニカ(Tunica)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Tunica costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Tunica costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Tunica costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ペプロス(Peplos)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Peplos costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Peplos costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman Peplos costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ケープ(cape)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman cape costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman cape costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient roman cape costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


男性 ロインクロス(Loincloth)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Loincloth costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Loincloth costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Loincloth costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 ウィピル(Huipil)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Huipil costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Huipil costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Huipil costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 ハックチェ(Hach Kek)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Hach Kek costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Hach Kek costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient mayan Hach Kek costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ウィピル(Huipil)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Huipil costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Huipil costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Huipil costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 シュブティ(Skirt)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Skirt costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Skirt costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Skirt costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ハックチェ(Hach Kek)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Hach Kek costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Hach Kek costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Hach Kek costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 カポテ(Capote)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Capote costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Capote costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mayan Capote costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


男性 クルタパジャマ(Kurta Pajama)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Kurta Pajama costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Kurta Pajama costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Kurta Pajama costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 ドーティ(Dhoti)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Dhoti costume,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Dhoti costume,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Dhoti costume,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

男性 シャーワニ(Sherwani)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing indian costume Sherwani,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing indian costume Sherwani,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing indian costume Sherwani,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

男性 ターバン(Turban)

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Turban costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Turban costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful man,
wearing ancient indian Turban costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 サリー(Sari)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing indian costume sari,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing indian costume sari,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing indian costume sari,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 サルワール・カミーズ/パンジャビ・ドレス(Salwar Kameez/punjabi dress)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Salwar Kameez costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Salwar Kameez costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Salwar Kameez costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ガーグラ・チョリ/レヘンガ・チョリ(Ghagra Choli/Lehenga)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Lehenga costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Lehenga costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Lehenga costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 アニャークリー(Anarkali)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Anarkali costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Anarkali costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient indian Anarkali costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


女性 カンズ(Kanis)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mesopotamian Kanis costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mesopotamian Kanis costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mesopotamian Kanis costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

女性 ヴェール(Veil)

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mesopotamian Veil costume,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mesopotamian Veil costume,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful woman,
wearing ancient mesopotamian Veil costume,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

